Replace the Dials on a 205
* This article has pictures from the
205 and is only applicable to the 205 *
Before I start what bits/tools do I need?
- Cross and flat head screwdrivers
Anything else I need to know?
- Whatever you do, DON'T damage the indication needles!!
- Your needles need to be accurately setup once the are replaced
- Make a very accurate note of where your needles are pointing prior to
removing them
How do you replace the dials?
Before you start take a careful note of where
all the needles are pointing, speedo, rev
counter, fuel, water temperature and boost pressure |
Lower the steering wheel, pull off key cowling
remove four screws 2 top, 2 bottom; that gets the dial cowling off...
Next remove the four screws retaining the dial assembly. Pull the dials
towards you and then reach round the back and remove the three electrical
connections they are at the top back of the dial unit |

Remove the dial
assembly. You might find as I did that there is a kmh to mph converter which
consists of three wires - just make sure they go back in the same place on refitting
Right you now have the dial assembly out there is two screws holding
the clear plastic face on take them out and you will find it is just
clipped in place now, remove this and the black inner one too this was
also just clipped in
Now the fun bit place 2 flat blade screw drivers under the centre of
needle and slowly ease them off one by one, remember they are different
lengths so make sure they go back in the same place
once they are all off then just pull off the old faces ,they are only stuck on |
Replace with new and replace the black cover take
the dial assembly back to the car in bits connect the electric connections
back in and then put the needles back on in position remembering how much
fuel you had! Push the needles back on and replace the clear cover and
replace the whole unit back in reverse order |
You might need to fiddle a bit with the fuel and
speed needles if you have not put them back in the right place first time... |
This article was written as a handy guide as to how Hutch replaced his dials. If you are in any doubt or not qualified then do not conduct this modification. Always consult a professional. Alterations away from the manufacturers specification is not recommended.
Many thanks to
Hutch for writing this article