The car returned a disappointing result...The RR showed that the car was over fuelling very badly, with an AFR of ~10:1 at 7000rpm
The intake temperatures were >70oC as the Water Injection was
disabled due to occasional misfires...(caused by the very rich mixture)
The run was performed mostly on part throttle due to misfires caused by
severe over fuelling, especially in the mid rpm range AFR <9:1
The car developed a code 52 - knock sensor fault on the way home from the RR...
Note this was on stock injectors, stock fuel pump, stock fuel rail pressure, hybrid turbo...
Boost was set to 15psi
Dyno 2
Another disappointing result - this is becoming a habit!
Car was fitted with a Haltech E6K ECU and a 2.75" downpipe
Had a few problems which helped with the disappointing results. The
Wastegate actuator was split. Rather a strange problem as boost was
fluctuating but it would hold 14psi. As we couldn't run more than 14psi this
helped to return lower power figures than we'd hoped for...
The car ran fairly rich across the rpm range, and up top had an AFR of 11.2:1 @ 6800rpm - note this was all on stock fuel system
On a plus note the car gained 80+lbft in certain areas, but had a peak o/p power of 10hp less. Note the wide separation in the 2 torque curves. Had
the car not experienced det then I would estimate o/p power to have been ~260-270bhp. Note that this was on a standard clutch
Another problem that hindered things was severe detonation at 6k rpm. The lesser bhp figure is directly attributable to this. As you can see from
the graph above the power dips significantly here. I'm investigating the det problem, and hope to have it fixed at the next power run...I backed off the
timing a LOT from 6k onwards and lowered the rev limiter to 5,800 to keep things nice and safe until I can get back on the rollers and see if the
problem has been cured
The car was mapped without WI activated
Drivetrain losses peaked at 73bhp giving 161bhp at the wheels