205 v Sard 800 Fuel Injectors
The injectors...
Note the upper and lower o-rings
And the side feed strainer
The end of the injectors. Note the 2 larger holes through which the fuel is squirted
The holes on the Sard injectors are slightly larger than the stock 540cc 205 injectors
Sard 800cc Injectors
Low impedance injector 2.7Ω, (540cc 205 injector 2.8Ω)
Part number 63517
Flow rate 800cc/min, (true flow rate may be 850cc/min)
Lag time - 0.75ms. (Stock 205 injector lag time - 0.56ms)
Direct replacement i.e. drop in with no wiring alterations required, simply plug into the stock wiring loom
These injectors are manufactured by Nippon Denso, part number - 1001-87093