205 Part Numbers and Prices
Why have you listed these numbers?
Quite often I have been supplied with the incorrect part number for an item I require. There seems to be quite a lot of confusion as to the model and whether it is a UK or Jap car...the 205 is not a common car.
Also it is nice to see a price (correct at the time of enquiring/buying) so you know if you are getting a good deal from your local motor factors or dealer, and how badly your wallet will be hurt.
Part No | Description | Price £ |
No 1 idler pulley | 73.17 | |
No 2 idler pulley | 36.05 | |
15310-88460 | Oil pressure regulator | 19.51 |
15318-88460 | Oil pressure regulator gasket | 3.21 |
15100-88460 | Oil pump | 83.76 |
15197-88460 | Oil pump gasket | 3.10 |
15104-88461 | Oil strainer | 30.50 |
15149-88460 | Oil strainer gasket | 2.86 |
90915-10004 | Oil filter | 8.23 |
13568-79105 | Cambelt belt | 32.89 |
13505-88480 | Cambelt tensioner pulley | 71.26 |
13540-88480 | Cambelt hydraulic tensioner | 39.22 |
13041-88360-02 | 1 x Size No 2 big end bearing | 15.12 |
13041-88360-03 | 1 x Size No 3 big end bearing | 15.12 |
90311-42026 | Crank oil seal | 8.46 |
23300-79425 | Fuel filter | 28.18 |
47799-14010 | Front brake 'P' clips | 1.03 |
43516-20010 | Front left brake disk | 84.57 |
43512-20610 | Front right brake disk | 83.30 |
90916-02395 | Fan belt | 34.65 |
17801-03010 | Air filter | 22.44 |
47731-14120 | Front calliper piston | 12.35 |
04466-20050 | Rear brake pads | 35.01 |
76190-20010 | Main bonnet vent (comes with rubber seal) | 23.52 |
76184-20020 | Main bonnet vent rubber sealing strip | 3.36 |
13753-88003 | 1 x Valve shim (all sizes same price) | 4.98 |
90919-02209 | Igniter | 70.50 |
Front fog light | 105.74 | |
04446-35050 | Power Steering pump seal kit | |
89422-35010 | ECU water temp sensor | 39.27 |
90919-21578 | HT leads | |
Knock sensor | 93.92 | |
04479-20220 | Front calliper overhaul kit | 36.11 |
11286-88480 | Intercooler badge | 4.50 |
64324-20051-22 | Parcel shelf clip | 5.05 |
64323-20061-22 | Parcel shelf clip | 4.61 |
90982-08246 | 100A Main Fuse | 9.35 |
90916-03100 | Thermostat | 13.85 |
16325-63011 | Thermostat gasket | 1.06 |
17861-88480 | IC to Throttle body connector | 22.92 |
48830-20010 | Rear anti-roll bar drop link | 33.07 |
90179-10183 | Rear anti-roll bar drop link nut | 0.59 |
04111-74540 | Engine gasket set | 152.59 |
11401-79676 | Later spec Engine Block (see note 7) | 1110.63 |
90501-35022 | Valve spring (see note 8) | 7.30 |
43420-20520 | LH front Driveshaft | 463.98 |
43410-20521 | RH front driveshaft | 488.87 |
89452-22090 | Throttle Position Sensor | ~130 |